If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A recent study shows that a surprising amount of people read more than just the title of an article

A recent study (see my last article and the comments) proves that, although some people only read the title and comment, 92% of people read both the title and the article.

Another recent study shows that, although people do try to write blogs to make money, most writers are proud of their blogs, and when people comment just to get a comment back, without reading the article, they more often than not get a lame comment back or none at all.

So one can only assume that if someone writes an article, they intend for it to be read.

...except for this one


  1. This is true, when we spend our time writing something interesting, we want people to read it - else it's a waste of everyone's time.
    Also, most of the time, reading just the title simply isn't enough to comment appropriately.

  2. Nah, I spend time reading through them, but only if they interest me.

  3. I always read through them, would be boring if you didnt

  4. Awwwww. No, we're going to read this article and we DID! Or at least I did. I didn't read the comments in retrospect. o_o

  5. read through what? jk jk hey check my new blog my goal is to make someone LOL their face off http://lolmyfaceoff.blogspot.com/

  6. I read the articles, but if I don't anything to comment I won't, but this is very true, I've seen a lot of it.

  7. I always try to make a meaningful comment, so I have no choice but to read the article :/

  8. Good point here, blogging is a fun hobby, making money from it is secondary :)

  9. what a tricky post because you said this wasn't supposed to be read

    haha jk i read every article

  10. I read the articles just so long as they're in paragraph form and not in one big block

  11. Kind of. I prefer to actually read what people put time into. I don't think that anything should be wasted effort. Also, I like to learn a lot so reading blogs can teach me lots of new facts :D
    I take pride in both my blogs because I try to make them me, and completely legit.

  12. I always read the article if the title interests me like here for example :P

  13. It's not a waste when it's a good post, you end up more knowledgeable and it can turn out to be a great discussion.

  14. I don't always read completely through. Sometimes the writer just doesn't know how to capture an audience. But other times, the last few sentences ties everything together.

  15. Just so everyone knows, I read all the articles I post comments on. I am always proud of my pageviews, and I get excited to know people are reading what I write! So those stats are not something I'm surprised about. It makes sense that people read, haha I mean the internet is about collective infomration afterall.
