If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Why not, on credit card statements or other money related media, put a few checkboxes?

[ ]- Would you like to add an additional 1% tax that goes directly to schools?

[ ]- Would you like to add an additional 1% tax that goes directly to charity?

[ ]- Would you like to add an additional 1% tax that directly supports the troops?

Because the word "charity" is a misnomer. People should do the right thing and it shouldn't be considered as doing a good thing. It should be considered as doing the right thing. If you can help people you should, and you shouldn't expect a pat on the back for doing it.

If you can't afford it, fine. Don't check the boxes. But if you can afford it, its the easiest way possible to do the right thing.

All you would have to do to help those in need is carry on living your life.


  1. Good idea!
    But...nobody will accept i think...

  2. I like the idea, a lot.

    but one thing, I think it would catch criticism from people who can't afford it saying that they feel guilty when they don't check the box.

    but still, i think it's a good idea, and good statement about what people should do.

  3. Interesting.... Never looked at it like that. GreatIdea.

  4. istn really a effective solution

  5. Charity has always been a little strange to people who cant see where the money is going.

  6. Probably the school one if any.

  7. i would like to move to australia and have no taxes..

  8. Hey man, I'm all for that. It would go a long way, I think. Good idea.

  9. maybe some government should try that

  10. Tax is too high as it is. At least here in Norway. Maybe I'm just a greedy bastard, though.

  11. good idea. only i wouldn't include schools because i think education is important.
    i live in a country where church gets a lot of funding by the state (croatia, and catholic church :S) so i'd rather have that option here.

  12. no, as soon as we allow the gov to start a tax it will never subside. if you care about ur community then just donate, never make something like that mandatory

  13. hmm pretty good idea. but is there a box I can check that says "put all military funding into research"?

  14. Yea, I want a put 1% into stem cell research box!

  15. I wouldnt chose any

  16. pretty good tax concept if you ask ne.

  17. maybe raise some extra money great idea

  18. I like it! I'm always down for a good cause

  19. Such a good idea i sent a suggestion to Safeway groceries to ask them if they could do something similar. Most grocerys have little tickets that they ring through if you want that do the same thing tough
