If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Monday, October 25, 2010


The reasons why guns should be legal are so people can protect themselves.

The reasons why they shouldn't be legal is because they kill people too easily.

WIth a gun, you can see someone you dont like 30 yards away and not think twice.

So screw that. Get guns out of here. Instead, let people run around mauling each other with police batons. That way, the only way you're killing someone is if you really want it.

Some guy break into your house? He doesn't have a gun, he has a baton. So get the wife and kids and you all go ape shit on his ass. Crisis averted.

Or just everyone could run around with throwing stars. The problem is that giving people power enough to kill another person is too much power.

No human being has earned that right. A human life is not yours to claim.

So psychos being able to purchase a used piece for 200 bucks? All he has to do is steal a PS3 or an iPhone and resell it. It's too easy. There are too many guns on the market.

The right to bear arms is an American right. But is it a human right? Does humanity deserve to be able to end any other person's life with such ease?


  1. You got a point there...

  2. i can't wait to see what hunters think of your suggestion. going deer hunting with a friggin' baton... :P

  3. USA, Finland and Omar i hink are the only countries in the world that have that kind of policy. I personally think its desgusting; people kill people, yes, but giving those people guns make it a whole lot of easier!

  4. I say let people carry guns. Population control. We have already accepted that guns are a part of life for a good reason...people will die regardless.

  5. you have a point there... but people will still have guns

  6. but guns make me feel like a big man.

  7. "freedom is more important than your stupid idea", are you aware that after england outlawed guns there were actually more acts of gun violence. simply to put it "if you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns"...and they wont be afraid to use them

  8. You know what...because you think its a "stupid idea" i agree with the post. Only outlaws having guns is better than everyone having guns. Let outlaws shoot other outlaws then who cares.

  9. what about the gangster robbing grandma who isnt armed?!

  10. death penalty for possession of gun. because possession of a gun means intent to kill if no one owns guns

  11. Even if all guns are made illegal, it will not stop people from committing crimes with them. How does one protect against a gun with a baton?

  12. I agree with Jerry up there.

  13. Definitely agree.

    wars would be funny to watch

  14. I agree with Chris Rock, make bullets cost 6000 dollars. In all seriousness, more gun control is necessary, but I don't see Americans approving that, let alone a prohibition on guns.

  15. Well.. Criminals will find a way to get their hands on firearms anyway. So even if people have a police baton, they will not be able to defend themselves. (unless they are VERY good)

  16. as above poster said, criminals will find a way to get a gun, so that law is making it easier for them because theyll know people will just carry batons around :p

  17. i live in Europe, where normal people have no reason to need or have a gun. and we get along just fine, mostly ^^

  18. I say we make guns unreasonably expensive, that way only the rich and deserving (TWO SEPERATE CONDITIONS, not saying that rich people deserve guns) can own them, like the gov't/police and like... Donald trump.

  19. You make an entertaining point; a very English point I might add. *chuckle*

  20. what a world that would be. hah.

  21. They'll never get rid of all the guns, they are everywhere and as Americans we enjoy killing each other too much dammit

  22. sounds good unless your trying to defend youself from someone with a gun

  23. except there no way to take and destroy all the guns in the world

  24. While I would not like to part with my firearm, this is still a great idea.
