If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Father defends daughter with cerebral palsy: gets arrested for disorderly conduct

James Jones's daughter has cerebral palsy, and is bullied everyday on her bus to school. So James boards the bus and yells at and threatens her daughter's bullies.

He was later arrested for disorderly conduct.

Now people are discussing whether or not this is fair. Discussing whether or not he was out of place.

Well, of course not! If bullies EVER upset my daughter (RIP) I would tear their heads off. Anyone who thinks this man was out of place obviously has not had children. Because when you do have children, you know that you would do anything to protect them, even if it means threatening other children and getting arrested.

This man's daughter has cerebral palsy. He supposedly reported the bullying to the school, and they did nothing. But they should have done something even before this. What kind of f*cked in the head kids make fun of a girl, supposedly one time harassing her with a condom, who has cerebral palsy. If it was up to me I would say these kids need to be put down, because a person who could do that isn't human in my eyes. 

The parents that should be serving time are the parents of the bullies, who raised kids who had the immoral capacity to bully a defenseless girl with disabilities.

This whole case makes me sick to my stomach. Heres the video. What do you think? Was the father out of line?


  1. As much as I think these kids are evil the adult has no right threatening kids and the bus driver. He could have dealt with this much differently..

  2. I agree with above. He could have done it differently.

  3. I completely agree with you. Sorry to hear about your daughter.

  4. He should have dealt with it differently, but the school should've taken his complaint seriously.

  5. yup, bullying is shit

  6. yeah its hard to rule on it while a man is threatening kids. He really should have come up with a better way to deal with it.

  7. Not fair, that dude is doing what he has to.

  8. He should have come up with a better way of dealing with the situation, but at the same time, those kids deserve it.

  9. I saw this story a little while ago, what the hell is wrong with some people?

    Good on the guy for at least trying to do something about it.

  10. good info, will look forward to the next one

  11. I know how you feel, my daughter is only 4, if anyone gets uppity on here later in life I'll ragequit their lives for them

  12. The father did what he had to do. Yes, he could have found more peaceful alternatives to resolve this situation. But some kids don't grow up learning to respect others, to be nice to people. All they know is strength, and force. That's what bullies understand. The effects of bullying can scar a person for the rest of their lives. You said the school did nothing. Well then, the father has a responsibility to look after the well-being of his child. This one time confrontation may prevent future bullying of the man's daughter. Also, now that this story has gotten so much attention, the school will be forced to take action.

  13. Schools very rarely take parental complaints seriously, unfortunately. If they'd listened to him in the first place and actually done something, I doubt he would have flown off the handle like this.

  14. That's appalling. Just going through your posts mate and you're still putting out fantastic work. Just got back from working away so looking forward to putting more of my own material out there and catching up on everyone elses.

  15. It's impossible to be completely rational where your own kids are involved. Biology.

  16. Of Pericles, to rage the city turn, Following!

  17. I'm with you, no one wants your dearest ones being attack such like this.

  18. this man did what should have been done.

  19. its fine to be angry, its what you do when you are angry that counts. lets see some more posts...

  20. Some people just understand (and speak) the language of violence... But there's definitely something wrong that the bullies are getting away with this and the father is not.
