If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


That's right.

If you aren't old, than you're young.

And if you're young, you have time to get places. Why rush? Why risk your life driving?

Let the old people drive with other old people. It would be hilarious to see them all crashing into each other, making walking from place to place that much more fun.

People would be more social.

People would be getting better exercise.

People would be less stressed.

If you're late, you always have an excuse... "Yea, some grandma hit a tree, blocking the sidewalk. Had to make sure she was okay first too."

There would be more trains too. And trains are cool.

Less people driving means less carbon monoxide in the atmosphere, which I don't know what any of those words mean but it's probably a good thing.

Drunk driving? A thing of the past. People would be drunk all the time wandering from place to place, laughing at twenty car pile-ups.

More people walking means more walking-related inventions. Stirring the economy.

If you think about it, everything associated with cars is bad.

More shops would start up, because people walking means people getting tired means people wanting to go inside means people potentially walking into a store and buying something.

More time walking means less time home.

Make the new minimum age to receive a drivers license sixty-five, and lets start building a more friendly community.


  1. i hate being on the road with old people, awful drivers in a city full of awful drivers. and people should walk more. in fact, what youre profile pic is showing seems like a totally awesome alternative to driving

  2. Dont think this would work well with rural communities. lol

  3. That's a pretty nice utopian idea.

  4. I do agree with your general idea of reducing the amount of young people on the roads, as many of those people can get to there destination (sometimes quicker) catching trains/buses.
    However ill feel sorry for all those grandparents who'd get nagged by there grandchildren to give them lifts =P

  5. haha thats awesome, never heard of that suggestion before- its always the other way around.
    If in the US, people didn't feel like they needed so much space, we should totally all live in smaller areas. Then we could just walk everyone and drink all the time!

  6. Hahah, I usually hear the opposite.

  7. Well public transportation would need to be well implemented before any of this would be possible. But then you have truckers, which wouldn't work because without them the majority of the United States would literally fall apart. As well as other people who commute because of their job, and not just a mile or two but some people go about 20 odd miles to get to work. But it's still a nifty idea.

  8. So, if no more young people were getting road rage.. would they then be getting sidewalk rage?

  9. Hm.. interesting food for thought. Nice blog, you got a new follower!

  10. Well that actually have sence kinda.. Oo xD

  11. Yeah, don't drive drunk. You can read a sad story about Roddy Jepson on my blog. He drove drunk.

  12. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful idea, that I fully support. It really would provide the best excuses ever. No need for the excuses app on my smartphone anymore!

    @Fumfumfum: lol at sidewalk rage, that would be funny to see!

    @SiriusUnrelated: well there could be an exception for truck driving licenses, and for people who have to travel, there's still public transportation.

  13. I lol'd at this one. My grandpa is 96 and still drives around.

  14. haha, this is a funny perspective on things... old people shouldn't be able to drive though, and I'm talking about super old

  15. as long as the driver is careful, I don't care

  16. increase pub transit infrastructure first, otherwise everything would collapse

  17. its old people who dont know how to drive. lol

  18. nah, I don't think old people should drive

  19. I think once you hit a certain age, then you can't drive anymore

  20. This is a funny idea. Pedestrian fatalities will rise though haha

  21. This is actually a great idea. I don't think we'd have to worry about texting while driving anymore.

  22. I like the exercise part, besides bicycles could be used for any short distances, and buses, trains or plains for any long travel.

  23. I work about 20 miles from my house, a bike ride to work would take to long, plus i need my car to meet clients in other parts of town and to carry my surveying tools and what not.

  24. I wish there were more trains where I live, those are pretty fun to travel in :)
