If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Believing in God is not like believing in Santa Clause nor like believing in the chair you're probably sitting in. By that I mean it's obvious one doesn't exist and the other does.

Considering God is omnipotent, and for that reason alone he can never be disproved, it's only fair to say that belief in God is nothing more than a choice.

Is there someone in the sky watching over us? Maybe, maybe not. But if someone was in the sky watching over you, guiding and protecting you-- would that bring you comfort and happiness?

Or does it bother you that, if God exists, that we wouldn't be the masters of our own destiny, that the belief that some people have of a God is only blinding them and preventing humanity as a race from evolving?

But it's a choice. Each and every one of us defines our own reality. It doesn't matter if someone else's science says that God probably doesn't exist, nor does it matter if someone says God absolutely must exist, it only matters what you decide, because when it comes down to it, reality is the most precarious of all supposed truths, considering people don't even question it's flaws.

We may have just started existing an hour ago, and everything we think we know is just implanted memories.

Or you may be the only person that really exists, and everyone else is just a projection of your subconscious. 

Or every single one of our thoughts was predetermined, like a script.

But those are all outrageous possibilities, but possibilities none-the-less because they can't be proven false.

So you can choose to believe any of those or anything else you'd want to.

So the question is: Do you want there to be a God?

And your answer to that question is the truth.


  1. I'm the only person that really exists.. I'm about 70% sure.

  2. I don't think there's a god, if there is then where was he when my mother was murdered? fucking nowhere.

    If he is there, then all I can think is that everything bad thing he does is designed to filter out the strong from the weak and act as a catalyst that makes people realise that they need to make the most of life.

    I think god can fuck him self though. I'm the maker of my own destiny and i'm the dogs bollocks :D

  3. An argument for the ages, great post.

  4. Nice one man, a little deeper than I prefer to go, but who ever got anywhere staying comfortable? (Besides that theiving bastard Bill G.)

  5. I love the logical way to prove god exists, I think it was Tomas Aquinas who came up with it.

    If God is perfect in every way, and it is more perfect to exist than not to exist, god must exist, because hes perfect.

    God to love that circular logic.

  6. Why does one bother? Not going to change anyone's mind.

  7. I don't want there to be a god.

  8. Personally, I worship Zeus. A well placed bolt of lightning will sort out most of life's problems.

  9. Don't really care about religious stuff, to be honest...

  10. I don't know what to believe these days

  11. Very well put. In the end, such beliefs can only be personal. That's the way I see it, anyway.

  12. To be honest, why does it matter if God exists? It's not gonna change how the universe works. Many stories in the bible might have nice morales to them and all that, and I think that's good, but I can't stand christians claiming you have no reason to be moral if you don't believe in God, and christians trying to argue against science. I mean come on. But I guess if it makes them believe they will have an afterlife, then that's good for them, as long as I can live without having to hear about it :p

  13. I'd love that when I die, everything is revealed to me... all the secrets of everything. It's really all you can hope for. I don't personally believe in god but I believe in the complete possibility for one

  14. I believe in believing in God, but I personally don't believe in one. Anything that gets someone through the day is fine with me, it's only when it starts to invade other people's lives.

    Really nice discussion, come check out my blog when you have a chance :)

  15. I believe in some sort of higher being

  16. that was really interesting... thanks for sharing!

  17. We are a water drop of the whole ocean! We can't simply understand the universe :)

  18. very interesting read. thanks!

  19. this is really well written, and it's really cool that you weren't bashing either sides beliefs. great post

  20. I know there is the concept of God, many of them actually, but the real God? I don't think so.

  21. interesting read, some pretty deep stuff
