If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Marijuana: GATEWAY DRUG?... sure whatever

I have a morbidly obese friend. When he was young, his mother made him sandwiches or sometimes buttered bread.

Which leads me to believe that either BREAD is a gateway food, or there is a little thing most human beings have called SELF RESTRAINT and they can choose what drugs they want to do and which ones they don't.

I quit smoking marijuana. Why? I don't know, I didn't want to smoke anymore. I was a pot head for a while but I stopped.

If one of the reasons people voted against prop 19 is because they think marijuana is a gateway drug... well, then I guess bread needs to be illegal too because it's a gateway food.

This site is unbelievably correct. And every single point they argue I can argue the same point for a food item:


I chose pickles.

This blog is now a Pickles Harm Families support blog.

In the upcoming few days I am going to do posts paralleling this site's evidence against marijuana with evidence against pickles instead.

Hopefully that parallel makes both pickles and marijuana illegal, or both pickles and marijuana free to be used freely and responsibly.

By the way, that site's contact number is: 916-265-5650 And their email is: office@savecalifornia.com

Tell them how smart they are.

Also, their address is:
P.O. Box 511
Sacramento, CA 95812
I've heard they've been craving some pizza...

Let the insanity commence.


  1. Good point even tho i dont smoke.

  2. gateways drgu my ass lies pure lies!

  3. I've been eating bread since I was 5 years old, it's led me to other types of food, like pizza, pasta, Italian food, and finally Greek. I sleep in fear not knowing what I'll be addicted to next :( I hope it stops soon, all this eating is tearing me away from my family.

  4. i smoke alot and i totally agree with this i have never wanted to do anything besides pot supportan yuh mayne keep up the good work

  5. I agree man. People don't have any will power and just have to ban things deemed wrong or unhealthy instead of just not partaking.

  6. Its all about self control, the golden rule is everything in moderation.

  7. Its all about will power and your personal choices.

  8. people seriously need to get educated about MJ...

    It fucking IRKS ME that some of the old propaganda, is being thrown around still today while there have been study after study disproving EVERYTHING they have said, ppl still don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

    /rant :)

  9. Makes me wonder how many psychologists were consulted. Even your average psych STUDENT knows that with Marijuana it isn't the drug so much as the person using the drug...They won't try harder stuff unless they have a reason to want the harder stuff. In easier terms, the people that are very messed up are looking for a way out and therefore will move on to the harder drugs.

  10. thanks for that address... I need to write a letter now

  11. it's all about what you decide to do as an individual

  12. prop 19 ._.
    how could it lost??? how??

  13. You make some interesting points, my friend. I don't agree with all of them, but to each their own, I suppose.

  14. rofl it's absurd that marijuana is illegal

  15. nah... i really doubt it

  16. lol I can't wait to see the pickle interpretation

  17. Meh - personally I don't do it, but I can understand the benefits to legalizing it. That's for sure.

  18. Anyone who says marijuanna isn't a gateway drug is ignorant imo. Although I don't think marijuanna itself is bad (I smoke a lot, don't get me wrong), if I never smoked marijuanna I would have never been exposed to mdma, cocaine, etc. It may not make you want to do harder drugs, but it definitely helps expose you to them.

    Although that exposure would probably come at some point in my life.

  19. I dont smoke, but i can see the pros and cons, frankly California let us down because In my opinion the pros out weight the cons

  20. @cowbellrocker did marijuana introduce you to those drugs or did the people you associate with?

    if you dont want to experience other drugs, you wont. If you want to, you will. Marijuana has nothing to do with it.

    I've been exposed to all those drugs and more. I would never do them because I don't want to. Marijuana isn't forcing me to.

  21. Cowbellrocker: the only reason MJ can be "classified" a gateway drug is cause' of prohibition.. if it wasn't for the prohibition of marijuana there would be no bullshit gateway theory....

    Think of it like this. I go pick up my half quarter.. Dealer asks me "want to try some ex?" sure! (with prohibition)

    I go pick up the same amount, this time from a dispensary... will I hear the same crap exposing me to ex, or coke? NOPE. (without Prohibition with weed regulated and controlled)

    Prohibition never worked.
    Legalize it.

  22. There is so much misinformation about marijuana floating around and so many people buy into the hype. I do not smoke weed (stopped over 15 years ago) but I have no problem with it being legal.

  23. Omg I wish my mom never gave me that stupid bologna... ugh I wouldn't be such a tubbo now :(

  24. Man, I had a friend who tried pickles once, Now he's 300 pounds and works at a local grocery shop lifting inventory whenever he thinks no one's looking...

  25. It's not all as clear-cut as 'weed isn't harmful'. I don't smoke it, because it takes a lot to get me noticeably high and I get awful headaches from the jaw-clenching side effect. My brother, on the other hand, has smoked it since he was twelve. He's just turned eighteen now, and regularly takes E, cocaine, and drinks himself into violent stupors. I do't think the weed was what encouraged him to do get into drugs, but it helped. Our father smoked it non-stop as we were growing up, spending an inordinate amount of family money on it, then disappearing for days if our mother told him not to. He liked getting high a lot more than he liked spending time with his kids, and that in itself is a hard thing to accept.
    While not medically harmful, it has more effects on individuals and families than people realise. I think that if it were legalised, there would be more support in place for people who lose sight of other, real responsibilities, and those affected by it.

    Or maybe I just got unlucky with having a family incapable of not being stupid.

  26. dude, all fun aside, pickles are no joke.
    My best friend started out just having the odd dill pickle with his lunch, and after just a few months he had progressed to eating Gerkins right out of the jar...
    It's really sad to see a man who was once so proud and happy in life, degrade to becoming such a pickle fiend... I will join you in taking a stand against the green menace that is pickles.

  27. I don't smoke myself, but I know many who do, and it's opened my eyes to how much garbage misinformation is floating around regarding marijuana. I wouldn't be surprised if some people see junk like "Reefer Madness" and think it's an accurate account of the average pot smoker.

  28. good point, there are pros and cons

  29. I don't really know, i've never tried it and so I can't really have an opinion. I need to give it a try sometime.

  30. Nice post keep it up. Showing my support, Follow back.

  31. hmm, I agree... any new thoughts on this?
