If the pen and the sword are interchangeable in terms of resistance, than I am a knight and the people are my kingdom.

Friday, November 5, 2010

November 5th

remember remember the 5th of november
the gunpowder treason and plot
I know of no reason
why this gunpowder treason
should ever be forgot

Today is the day to remember that; if you choose one way, and that way is the right way according to your convictions of the right-- than it doesn't matter if the whole world thinks the opposite way-- hold your head up high, you have nothing to be ashamed of.


  1. OOHHH, I totally forgot, I saw someone with that mask today, and didn't make the connection

  2. I was so sad when he died. I wish he lived. :(

  3. Fawkin around with my niggas in da town

  4. can someone plz explain me that?

  5. Only thanks to the movie, I will never forget

  6. Always remember the fifth of November!

  7. I have watched the movie V for Vendetta and read the comic. The comic is more philosophical and goes further with the themes. I recommend it if you liked the movie.

  8. Fuck V. Guy Fawkes was awesome before some pretentious film.

  9. Kewl story, bra! waiting for updates from you

  10. History always has a way of repeating itself, just keep a heads up people!
